H.E. Mr. Thanatip Upatising, Ambassador of Thailand Attended the Inaugural General Meeting and Reception of Akita-Kingdom of Thailand Friendship Association

On 4 November 2014, Ambassador visited Akita Prefecture to attended and delivered a speech at the Inaugural General Meeting and Reception of Akita-Kingdom of Thailand Friendship Association at Castle Hotel Akita, in which a total of approximately 300 people, including Governor of Akita Prefecture, Mayor of Akita City, Mayor of Yokota City, President of Hokuto Bank, Chairman of Akita Association in Thailand, as well as, Director of Tourism Authority of Thailand, Tokyo Office, attended the function.  At the Reception, Ambassador delivered a speech stressing on the close relation between Thailand and Japan and expanded relation between Thailand and Akita Prefecture, which attributed to the endeavor of public and private sectors of Akita, especially, from the Governor of Akita and Hokuto Bank.  Ambassador also used this occasion to elaborate on business opportunities between Thailand and Akita and the current political situation in Thailand.

Akita-Kingdom of Thailand Friendship Association aims at promoting good relationship between Thailand and Akita Prefecture, as well as, promoting exchanges in economic, tourism, culture, and sports fields.  Mr. Tadanari Ishii, president of Netz Toyota Akita, Co. who is also a board member of Hokuto Bank is the first Chairman of the Association, and Ambassador is serving as a Special Advisor to the Association. Currently, Akita-Kingdom of Thailand Friendship Association consists of approximately 300 members.

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